Employers: FEHA / ADA Interactive Process Facilitation with qualified employees to explore reasonable disability accommodations
Medical Stay-at-Work| Return-to-Work Case Management Worker's Compensation and Essential Function Job Analysis / Job Description Research adaptive technology to assist in job modification Workplace Mediation of perceived policy violation, discrimination, co-worker disputes or harassment
or Spanish Speaking Employees and Individuals: Evaluation & counseling on residual vocational functional ability for modified-alternative job placement
with their employer following disability Worker's
Compensation Supplemental Job Displacement Voucher counseling and assistance Mediation of work-related disputes with managers and co-workers
Worker's Compensation Community: Case management for increased communication
on medical treatment compliance; residual worker abilities; identification of transitional, modified, or alternate work
options for SAW/RTW with the employer at injury Job
Description and Job Analysis Supplemental Job Displacement
Benefit Voucher Counseling
SERVICE AREA: We routinely service the Counties of: * Santa Clara * Monterey
* Santa Cruz * San Benito